Friday, July 9, 2010

Sada.. My Guru :)

It was my new office, new environment and i was bit scared as i felt lonely there, it was my first job and had no idea how my carrier would be in an MNC. I was feeling very nervous to be with unknown uncommon people.

I was introduced to my team and every one were unique including me (I guess), all were seniors and i was given with a laptop and a cubicle next to one of the senior. He was Sada. and I must admit he is blessed with lot of talent, fun and care. (I mean it Sada)

He guided me in all my professional and personal growth, he is been very kind with me in teaching the skills required for my carrier. I still remember the first meeting we had together with team, he questioned me " Do u send lot of SMS? ", I was really scared to answer because it was my earlier days in that office and i was scared thinking may be usage of mobile phone to that extent was not allowed and  I was always in touch with my friends all time so was sending lot of SMS, but with a scary voice i replied "Yes, if its banned here I can control it " . Then he replied with a smile "Please don't reply the official mails in short words". I smiled and said Yes!!!!!

There are many such incidents which i would like to cherish, those are very special to me. I always used to tell him "YOU ARE MY GURU(Teacher)", now too i feel the same.

He Love photography, he is a good photographer too. I'm off course inspired with his passion to Photography, I always asked his comments on the pics i had taken, few days back he commented that I have  improved a lot in this. :) ...... (I shall grow my talent on it Sada for sure).

I still remember once when i was working for one particular product, couldn't find a particular specification document and i complained him about it, the reaction of Sada was unforgettable, he replied back as " ढूंड ने से भगवन  भी   मिल   जाते   है , स्पेक क्या चीज़ है?" (If you really search with whole heart its easy to find god, spec is just small thing )

His son Soumil, very lovely boy he is so sweet and best part is Soumil born on the same day of mine off course change in year ;) so always Sada will remember my birthday for sure and i will remember Soumil birthday.

May be if i start writing there wouldn't be enough words to talk about him but i would like take this opportunity to thank Sada for his presence in my life and being so cheerful with me. Please be the same for rest of my life.

Today what ever I have achieved, you are the main contributor and i will always be great full to you!!!

Thanks a lot Sada....

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