Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dad!!! Its you

When I took my first step on this earth
You held my hand and walk me through
Everyday of my life is gift of you
Daddy I really love you!!

As I grew up you were my inspiration
You were the one who bought this transition
I am going stronger and you are the reason
I think of you for all my question(s)

Time passes and I miss your presence
But also I search my own existence
people say I am still to gain experience
Yes, I want to prove my perseverance

Stepping in this world I see myself alone
I have your principles with me which I own
The bonding is beautiful and cannot be shown
I just need your shadow to cure my pain

Dad you mean everything to me
You are the strength that keep me alive
Its true that I miss you
Yes, Daddy I Really love you!

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