Friday, October 1, 2010

First Love

Long ago one fine morning, I saw you first time
we were strangers to each other
Yes, you passed in front of me !!!
But you didnt even stare at me

Days passed, My best friend was your love
She had everything which I was supposed to live without
Yes, it was true that you were away from me
But I still expect your care for me!!!

Few days later I spread my word for you
You never had those feelings for me
I wasn't the Gal you were looking for
I wasn't the love you were waiting for

Hey why are you being so unknown 
I am the one who feel your feelings
and the one who love to steal your pains
Yes yes, You are my first Love

I still listen to your favourite songs,
I play your favourite tunes,
I am the one who would love to share your life
Still you wanna be away from me?

Hey tell me one thing
why is that I am not part of your life
I don't need these strife!!!
In the midst of chaos, you make my heart sing;
You’re my peace, my happiness, my everything.

You bring this special moments in me
Don't be sorry, Life is short
stretch your arms for me
Its my plea......

Please come back dear
I wait for you!!

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